Having readily available emergency contact information posted on your fridge or bulletin board is critical for every household with kids! Babysitters, family, or friends might need it unexpectedly while watching your children. You don’t want to fumble around looking for your doctor’s number or the closest E.R. in a time of desperate need or confusion.
My emergency list was one my fridge for two years before it frantically needed by Grandma and Grandpa twice in one week!
Check out the info below to consider posting for all to access easily. Copy/Paste to a work doc and update the necessary info.
Emergency Information
Before all else, keeping our children safe from harm is your top priority.
Home Information
Our address: [Full Address]
[Parent] Cell Phone: [Number]
[Parent] Cell Phone: [Number]
[Parent] Work Address: [Address]
[Parent] Work Address: [Address]
Emergency & Safety Information
Immediate Emergency: Call 911
Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
Local Police Station: [Phone]
Pediatrician: [Name / Phone / E-mail / Address]
Doctor (other): [Name / Phone / E-mail / Address]
Closest Emergency Room: [Hospital or Urgent Care Center Name]
Preferred Hospital/ Non-Urgent Hospital [Hospital or Urgent Care Center Name]
Extended Family
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
Friends Close By:
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
[Name] & Phone: [Number] / [Address]
Kid’s Allergies:
Kid’s Medication list: